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What do successful individuals from across the world have in common? They self-reflect. So, what is it to self-reflect? And how can you use self-reflection to make steady progress in any area of your life?

Let’s take a look.

Understanding Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is a matter of looking deeply within. That includes your moods, attitudes, feelings, habitual thoughts and everyday commonplace world reactions. Essentially, it’s about taking a step back so that you may move forward. The stepping back is to correct that which prohibits you from productively acting in the world today and reflecting on what you want to do with your life. We live in a busy world where tons of distractions make it difficult for us to take fresh, new action. However, when you own your inner world by reflecting on what needs correcting – with your attitude and mood – you own your outer world, and those distractions do not distract you from what you intend to do.

The Benefits of Self-Reflection

There are critical advantages that come with self-reflection:

Provides Perspective

One of the most significant benefits of self-reflection is that it enables you to gain a new perspective on yourself, which allows you to gain a new perspective on life. You also begin to see that, inevitably, you are the “cause in the matter” when it comes to your life. Are you unhappy with your current job but don’t know what to do? With a bit of self-reflection, you’ll see what’s stopping you from getting a promotion or getting a new job. It all begins with what’s going on with you on the inside. You’ll start to see the bigger picture and become more open-minded.

Enables You to Respond, Not React

Have you ever done something that you deeply regret now? That’s what happens when you react to a difficult situation instead of responding to it. Reacting is more effortless than responding. But, the ramifications of reacting are often damaging. With proper self-reflection, you can see what has you reacting, so you can let it go and ponder a response that is truly nurturing and helps you grow.

Enhances Confidence

When you self-reflect, you better understand what’s working for you in life and what’s not. This helps you make better decisions and become bolder in your choices. You become an influential person when you have a powerful way of reflecting on yourself.

The Process of Self-Reflection

Now that we’ve covered some of the vital benefits of self-reflection, let’s delve into the process of self-reflection. I talk about this method in my book The Maestro Monologue: Discover Your Genius. Defeat Your Intruder. Design Your Destiny. Here, I’ll touch upon the most fundamental aspects of self-reflection.

A Simple Guide to Self-Reflection

Step 1. Stop. Take a step back away from a particular situation. That requires AWARENESS.

Step 2. Look. Identify and gain a perspective on what you see. Be a REBEL when it comes to seeing things differently.

Step 3. Listen. Listen to your gut feeling and see what it says. Your gut feeling is your RECOGNIZER revealing what needs correcting so you can advance productively.

Step 4. Act. Identify the steps you need to take to take in order to change the situation. Be the REVEALER who knows all about your many hidden strengths and talents. Now generate action to validate your unique perfection.

What to Reflect On

The essential element of self-reflection is obviously to reflect on yourself, not others, or what happened out there in the world.

When you’re reflecting on yourself, here are some of the questions you might want to ask yourself:

  • What are my core values in life?
  • What unique talents lie in my reserve of unrealized potential?
  • What are the blind spots that stop me from seeing what should be evident to me?

Once you’ve gathered the answers to the above questions, you’ll be able to develop a better understanding of yourself. The secret to healthy growth is not to be stuck with what you already know.
Next, you need to reflect on the areas of your life that mean the most to you. This might include relationships, home, career, and friendships. Some of the questions you should ask yourself at this stage of self-reflection are:

  • How do I feel about this particular area?
  • What’s working and what’s not working?
  • What am I grateful for?

All in All

Self-reflection can help change your life meaningfully and make you more responsive to potential opportunities. You can learn more about self-reflection by reading my book.

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